The Product
Martech-VTCM 0017
Including a heat detector allows us to specify the gas ratio while the melt is being cast. This corrects the measurement of the DI calibre immensely.
Because of the installed vacuum container, the pump need not run during the complete time of 4-6 minute test. This extends the operating life of the pump and the maintenance interval (oil change) enormously.
The Martech software in the basic equipment evaluates the DI, the acquired data can be backed up, printed and substantiated on demand.
Warranty and non warranty repairs and maintenance: One Year calibration for the Martech device as for the scale (in the Czech Republic).
Prospekt Martech - Česky Prospekt Martech - English Prospekt Martech - Rusky Prospekt Martech - Deutsch
- View Handouts: (Czech, English, German, Russian)
- Dodávaný software (jazykové verze - CZ, EN, DE, PL):
- Technical data:
- Size:400x200x400 mm
- Voltage: 230V
- Wattage: 160 W
- Weight: 20Kg
- Accessories:2x assay crucible, pincers, weighing stand, substitute filter,
- glass cover, silicon gasket, 2x fuses, software (32/64 bit), sibral spoon
- Delivery and commissioning in the Czeck Republic is included in the price.